musings of a coffee addict

Location: Adelaide, Australia

"'To confuse the issue', she often says, 'not only am I Manila-born, convent-school educated, speak English and Tagalog plus a bit of Chinese and curse fluently in Spanish, I now reside in Australia as well!' Crazy mixed-up kid!" Arlene Chai's book, "The Last Time I Saw Mother"

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Caffeine insomnia

It's 3am. I'm still awake. I blame this on the fact that I laced the chocolate cake I baked yesterday with a chocolate-coffee icing. So, despite my resolution to not have coffee after lunch time (a necessity for a good night's sleep), I am lying in bed, listening to the rain. At this point, I'm faced with a number of choices: toss and turn in bed and get incredibly frustrated at myself, continue packing boxes, call someone who might still be awake at this hour (not likely), read something incredibly boring (but all my textbooks have been packed), or maybe write something non-medical, and banish my writer's block. I've accidentally packed my journal away, somewhere with drug-company sponsored pens and medical textbooks I don't intend to read for a long while. Besides, it's not as if I've written anything in it since the start of this academic year. Med school saps one's creativity.

Anyway, I decided to check my email, found my brother's girlfriend's blog, and was inspired to start one of my own.

I've always had a very snobby attitude towards blogs -- along the lines of "why would anyone think their life is worth reading about?". I may despise myself for starting this blog when I do get my elusive good night's sleep and see things with a clear mind. But for now, I will post my ramblings for all the world to see. Because I can.