musings of a coffee addict

Location: Adelaide, Australia

"'To confuse the issue', she often says, 'not only am I Manila-born, convent-school educated, speak English and Tagalog plus a bit of Chinese and curse fluently in Spanish, I now reside in Australia as well!' Crazy mixed-up kid!" Arlene Chai's book, "The Last Time I Saw Mother"

Friday, February 24, 2006

False Starts

I made a conscious decision this year that I would update my blog more frequently. After all, I had started blogging to make a conscious break from the monotony of working in medicine and to stimulate the creative side of my brain. Yes, I am aware that a lot of my posts have focused on my life in medicine, but at least I get to a) write in complete sentences; and b) put my own outlook in focus. Basically, a change from "Pt well. Nil complaints. Afeb. Obs stable. D1 post-op. Clear fluids. IDC out. Drain out. R/V in am."

However, no matter how many times I tried to write this month, I kept getting stuck. And it's not as if I didn't have anything to talk about. How being an RMO compares to being an intern (more pay, a tad more respect, a bit more confidence) The debate about RU-486. The overseas-trained-doctors brouhaha over at Modbury. My inability to make it to the kickboxing class in the gym (not for lack of want, just lack of fitness). French class and the fact that after 4 lessons this is the limit of my French:
"Bon jour. Je m'appelle Anna. Je suis Philippin/Chinoise/Espagnole. Je suis femme medecin. Je ne parle pas francais. Vous comprenez Karly? Elle est Australienne/Polonaise/Hollandaise. Elle n'est parle pas francais. Voici, c'est la musee Louvre." (And I wrote all of that without cheating!)

I think the problem was I that every time I started to write, I got distracted by work, or hunger, or friends, or exhaustion, or, more often than not, I'd get distracted by another idea that would come along. All this invariably meant that I'd abandon the computer and just sit on the couch and watch the Winter Olympics. Ningas cogon, anyone?

My March resolution, therefore, is to set aside time for writing. To not get distracted, and put away all the false starts and stimulate my creative juices. I refuse to be bogged down by the everyday distractions of daily living.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


When I was 12, my New Year's Resolution was to read Les Miserables from cover to cover, without skipping the boring rambly political pages. After 3 months, I gave up. Instead, I had skipped chapters at a time, reading and re-reading the chapters I liked -- a special favourite was Eponine's poignant death scene, and Marius kissing her forehead.

Then I realised that New Year's Resolutions were a waste of time, and I never made one since. Until January. I resolved to join a gym. Or do yoga. Now, I had thought of joining a gym for the last year and half now, but procrastination, exhaustion and sheer laziness got in the way. So I was sure my resolution would fizzle by the wayside, joining the political chapters of Les Mis.

So imagine my shock when I found myself signing up for a year's membership to the nearby gym. Even more surprising, I actually joined a class yesterday. And enjoyed it. Sure, it was a very yoga-esque class, but still! I had, after all, spent 10 minutes on a treadmill waiting for this class. (Yes, my fitness levels aren't that great, so shoot me!)

Next week, I have even greater ambitions: kickboxing classes!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Welcome a new member to the blogging community, a voice for sports:crowman77