musings of a coffee addict

Location: Adelaide, Australia

"'To confuse the issue', she often says, 'not only am I Manila-born, convent-school educated, speak English and Tagalog plus a bit of Chinese and curse fluently in Spanish, I now reside in Australia as well!' Crazy mixed-up kid!" Arlene Chai's book, "The Last Time I Saw Mother"

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Baby doctor

Well, it's my second day as a fully fleged doctor,working the hospital system, making grown-up doctor decisions. Scary thought, huh?

Am so tired. I've forgotten how demanding this jobi s. All I can console myself with is "i'm getting paid to do this, i'm getting paid now". It's like a nice little mantra I say to myself over and over, just to keep myself going. I'm on call tonight, which means I have to stay until 9pm and pick up the problems of all the surgical patients in the hospital. Scary thought. So far so good, though, and i've been able to manage with the calls that have come through to me. I'm hoping that since it's my birthday tomorrow, that the gods thatl ook after the baby doctors are smiling down on me and giving me an early birthday gift and not letting me have a horrendous night. One can hope. After all, I have enough time to write this entry, don't I?

Hmm, what else? I've unfortunately had my first car accident. Well, minor scrape. I turned a corner too tight and there was a car that was sticking out too far of the parking slot. Scrape. No one was injured,but i was mildly traumatised.

Otherwise, things are going happily along. I still need to get used to being called doctor, and one day,i will feel brave enough to park in the doctor's carpark (i continue to live in denial and park in the medstudent's car park).

Well, must get back to work now. Patients to see,blood to take, etc. And woohoo! only an hour and a half left!