musings of a coffee addict

Location: Adelaide, Australia

"'To confuse the issue', she often says, 'not only am I Manila-born, convent-school educated, speak English and Tagalog plus a bit of Chinese and curse fluently in Spanish, I now reside in Australia as well!' Crazy mixed-up kid!" Arlene Chai's book, "The Last Time I Saw Mother"

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Broadway frame of mind

Today I discovered Joy's blog. When I speak about my friends back home, there were the "woodrose friends", "med friends", "family friends". And Joy, who defies all classifications :)Now, Joy is someone I've known since summer 1993, when we were both innocent would-be thespians, treading the boards of the Repertory Philippines Summer Workshop.

We were brats. We terrorised Shangri-La Plaza management, usually by running up the down escalators as they were moving. We serenaded stuffed ducks. We mutilated costumes as we tried to convince everyone we could sew. And it wasn't just us, mind you, it was most of the class. We had so much fun.

12 years later, Joy is living the life of a musical thespian, while I am slaving away as a medical intern. During my final years of med school, I stopped listening to musicals, as memorising new musicals tended to drive out important things from my brain (like what medications to give after a heart attack, for example). Now that I am working, and no longer needing to study for exams, I am delighted to re-discover the joys of musical theatre.

To wit, as I posted an application for a job as a resident medical officer for next year, I began singing under my breath "God I hope I get it, I hope I get it, how many people does he need?"

Like an addict looking for a fix, I cry out: does anyone have any decent musicals to recommend?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Been a while...

No, I haven't forgotten about the blog. It's just been really really busy since I got back from holidays. And while I am bursting full of ideas, it's been a lot easier to sit back under the blankets, beside a heater, with a good pen and my journal.

When the sun comes back, or I'm less busy (hah!), I'll be back to update the blog. In the meantime, be well, be warm, be happy :)